Exploring Environmental, Health, and Technological Problem Solving
Daniel M. Kammen and David
M. Hassenzahl
(Princeton University Press,
How dangerous is smoking? What are the risks of nuclear power or of climate change? What are the chances of dying on an airplane? More importantly, how do we use this information once we have it? The demand for risk analysts who are able to answer such questions has grown exponenetially in recent years. Yet programs to train these analysts have not kept pace. In this book, Daniel Kammen and David Hassenzhal address this problem by drawing together, organizing, and seeking to unify previously disparate theories and methodologies connected with risk analysis for health, environmental, and technological problems. They also provide a rich variety of case studies and worked problems, meeting the growing need for an up-to-date book suitable for teaching and individual learning that will appeal to a wide range of people in environmental science and studies, health care, and engineering, as well as policy makers confronted by the increasing number of decisions requiring risk and cost/benefit analysis.
Visit the Risk Analysis Teaching and Learning Website . This website, put together by David M. Hassenzahl, is designed to support risk analysis educators and students. It contains a variety of unsolved problems, examples of course syllabi, tutorial materials, links, presentations, reading lists, and other materials.
This book is available at many bookstores and can be ordered from the following WWW sites: